IFS Therapy Therapy Spiritual Discernment

Concerns about IFS Therapy

More information will be added in due course as this article is a work in progress!
In early 2017 I completely stepped away from practicing Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, as therapist and client, following the guidance of that still, inner voice. This was a very important step in my journey. By stepping away, I was able to:

  • Discover IFS therapy's blindspots.
  • Explore other ways of working with myself and others.
  • Discover the condition of the human soul and become open to God revealing Himself to me!
  • Discover how the IFS framework actually deviates from God's will.
  • Powerfully discover experientially (in my own and othersʻ lives) how inferior an IFS paradigm and other man-made systems of healing are compared to Godʻs healing!

Here are some of the ways IFS Therapy brings up red flags for me (note: it is now Dec. 2024, and Iʻve added more information):

  • Like many therapies based on psychospiritual principles, IFS contains conceptual inaccuracies which I've only discovered from experience. These innacuracies are related to its way of seeing "inner parts" and inner healing.

  • Experience has shown me there is a spiritual world apart from what we see. The IFS way of seeing parts and its blindspots of the spiritual world unfortunately opens many dangerous doors. Opening these doors makes IFS Therapy practitioners and clients vulnerable to new and increasing spiritual oppression and possession. Those without Holy Spirit spiritual discernment or good knowledge of what the Bible actually says will be oblivious to what is happening in themselves or their clients, even after a long period of time. Because of its inherent nature and how IFS is practiced, IFS (like other practices inspired by the occult or new-age) has far too many deviations from how things work spiritually to be spiritually safe. Even a little bit of ink in pure water changes the water. Similarly, a little bit of poison makes food dangerous, even if it keeps the taste. In IFS, both client and therapist are always affected by this "contamination" and so are left spiritually vulnerable.

  • IFS Therapy causes confusion for the soul and our sense of who we are because of its spiritually inaccurate framework. We are spirit, soul and body -- rather than 'Self' and parts. IFS completely disregards the existence of a Holy God, our spirit and sin. The 'Self' in IFS is neither our spirit nor the Holy Spirit. Holiness in the IFS framework is a Godless appearance of holiness where sin does not really exist, nor the solution for it.

  • One major weakness of IFS therapy that isn't and cannot be addressed is the lack of spiritual discernment present in ALL IFS therapists. Spiritual discernment cannot be taught through conventional means or by/through IFS Therapy. It comes from the Holy Spirit, who only points to Jesus Christ and would always want us to seek God and His will (and healing) directly.

  • In my own experience, I've found IFS Therapy does nothing for our spirit which is where we encounter the deepest and purest level of true healing and empowerment in God.

  • IFS therapists are trained about "unattached burdens" and "critters" -- i.e. demons in old fashioned terminology. Although the process appears to expel "burdens", the appearance of something doesn't necessarily make it so. Because of lack of discernment, IFS Therapy practitioners and clients themselves mistake spiritual entities/demons to be parts of the client. Rather than booting them out, clients are taught to normalize these entities as parts of themselves and see entity possession/oppression as an acceptable state of affairs that need healing or integrating. Only the obviously evil/nasty "parts" are seen as "unattached burdens".

  • Furthermore, some therapists even encourage "spirit guides", thinking anything that appears positive, helpul and loving, has your best interests at heart. I've learnt spirit guides are never what they appear to be. It is never a good idea to talk to deceptive demons who pose as a part of us, angels, ETs or departed loved ones etc. Some guides deceptively present themselves as Jesus. Meeting the real, resurrected Jesus Christ of Nazareth and receiving his Eternal Life changes our life completely. Encountering Holy God obliterates anything in us which believes inferior man-made healing is what God wants for us.

  • The spiritual condition of both client and practitioner may in fact be worse depending on number of sessions received or what happens in a session because of increasing spiritual deception and open doors caused by the various trance state in IFS Therapy.

  • Giving voice to our inner demons and "feeding" them actually disempowers us ultimately. Neither therapists nor clients ever realize how to mature in their spirit, through the Holy Spirit.

  • .... and more!

From the perspective of Christianity specifically:

  • IFS Therapy increases alienation to God. Our Self, the practitioner's Self and a "god-state" is exalted over God and the therapy actually crosses the line into witchcraft and mediumship, which deeply and cuttingly betrays the love our Creator has for us.

  • The IFS therapy denies the reality and personhood of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It denies the salvation of Jesus Christ, the healing that God gives, the comfort God gives us, or any hope that God would respond to a soul. It denies the God of the Holy Bible and who God says he is.

  • IFS therapy does not heal like God does! In my own experience, the healing gained through IFS is not related to sanctification of the soul. It is a false healing that continues to mask who we are made to be in God.

  • IFS Therapy, like many things to do with healing may promote a kind of idolatry of the practitioner. Anything in creation can be an idol in our heart if we put it above God. As in anything without a true understanding of God, there are no boundaries to do with idolatry.

  • IFS Therapy promotes "love" towards all and all parts but paradoxically does not further the "Kingdom of God".

  • The Abrahamic faiths are familiar with the idea of the serpent -- even if the serpent himself was whispering in our ear, IFS Therapy would take him to be a part of us or a spirit guide. It's unlikely satan himself would whisper in our ear, but any spiritual entity posing as an angel of light and rebellious to God would be taken as friend not foe.

  • IFS therapy does not make us "Christ-like". It does not quicken our spirit nor make us more holy because this is something only the God can do. Instead, IFS applies a temporary bandage over our soul.

  • Part of the IFS process is the Self filling the needy "parts" of us with qualities our Self or "parts" deems we need. Any grace here may or may not come from God, but God is never attributed. We don't know if these "qualities" come from "being one" with entities even. Furthermore, God Himself touches us with His true Light, or the Holy Spirit fills us at a time He deems fit -- rather than as a result of following a process or methodology.

  • The Creator of all consciousness and existence is truly AWESOME and OUT OF THIS WORLD -- how can therapists expect to control, manipulate or lead Him to heal clients, even in "Self-led" IFS sessions?

  • Practicing IFS therapy hindered my own growth in using the Gifts of the Spirit I had received in childhood!

  • When we know God, He teaches us about His love, which has the power to heal like nothing else.

  • Worldly systems, such as IFS, can generate income for practitioners as well as temporary feelings/energies/trance states that feel really good. These are not the riches of the Kingdom of God and the Peace of God but spiritual counterfeits that keep IFS practitioners and clients in spiritual bondage.

  • I believe IFS therapy might actually be a form of occultic initiation (I will share more on this in future). The IFS paradigm and system is shamanically inspired and, as such, as occult practice. Iʻve found any involvement with the new age/occult harmful consquences. It opens "doors" in our soul to spiritual oppression or even possession in the worst case scenario.

  • Following questions from therapists and counsellers, I can add that we do NOT improve our relationship with or awareness/sensitivity of God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit through IFS practice, techniques or understanding. Firstly, God is holy -- He has NO fellowship at all with anything of darkness. Secondly, the only way we can know God is by faith only and calling out to Him. Thirdly, God (the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit) does not humble Himself to us, any IFS practitioner or human/spirit entity inspired system. It is we who humble ourselves before God, who gives us His grace at a time He sees fit. God shows us He has nothing to do with any technique, framework, therapy, "helping profession" or anything we do.

  • Some believe IFS might make us "spiritually more advanced", "integrated", "evolve" or help us awaken. These are entirely new age concepts (originating from ideologies that work against and in rebellion to God). They have have nothing to do with the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. The concept that we can spiritual evolve or integrate are spiritually inaccurate and are replacements for the gospel which our soul doesnʻt quite believe in some way. The Bible has a term for such paradigms: simply put, any paradigm which excludes our Holy Creator, His only solution for sin and the only way one can gain entry to eternal life with God is a "doctrine of demons".

  • and more!

So, are there any "work-arounds" to these red flags?

After many, many months of deliberation, I've had to conclude, NO. Further years of walking in the light of Jesus Christ and bible study have only confirmed even more strongly - NO. There is no doubt that IFS Therapy can be emotionally helpful, in the short term (of our life on earth at the most) but this is because the spiritual authority in practitioners is usually higher than the authority clients (who have not encountered the power of God) have experienced. The overriding authority over clientsʻ souls/spirits are ultimately which is most powerful in the hierarchy of spirits (NOT parts). Without the authority of Jesus Christ himself (who remained obedient to his Father and finally commanded disciples to share the gospel), the spiritual world remains hudden to both client and practitioner.

Furthermore, IFS sessions only promote further unbelief, sin and iniquity, including idolatry (e.g. a dependence on the therapist or the IFS system for healing), in clients.

Thus, IFS Therapy cannot be practiced in a spiritually safe way. The authority in sessions comes from deceptive entities/ spirits are higher up in the "chain of command", rather than God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit.

As of Dec. 2024, It has now been around 8 years since leaving the IFS Therapy field -- since then Iʻve seen that there is also a spiritual blindness which keeps many Christian therapists practicing IFS and sharing the "gospel of IFS" rather than prioritising the work Jesus Christ gave ALL his followers -- the Great Commission (that of sharing the free, simple gospel of Jesus Christ). I plan to write articles on the roots of this in future because it affects all believers. There are a few reasons we resort to using spiritual equivalents of temporary bandages infected with disease, whether on ourself or other people.

God can help others through anyone, but if there is a better, much more effective option (in terms of our body, soul and spirit), why put ourselves in harm's way? Plus, as expanded below, why limit and stunt ourselves?

What Now?

After ceasing practice of IFS therapy and ArtIFS (Self Leadership through Creativity), finding God and continuing a serious walk with Him, I've discovered so much more in God.

For example, God Himself reveals our true, eternal identity in Him. This identity is not something of "this world" but the Kingdom of God. Nothing and nobody can undo the Good God does and God-given Life can never be taken away. This is why Jesus urged his followers to "seek God" with all our heart, mind and soul and seek "the Kingdom", a dimension where we access all spiritual food and Eternal Life, rather than giving thought to even where our food/living come from. Understanding that originates from this world (including fallen spiritual worlds) are poor reflectors of what God wants us to know. Eventually we need to graduate and leave behind old manna (spiritual food).

As we walk with God, in Jesus Christ, we also start to more seriously use God-given discernment and see the gifts of the Holy Spirit produce fruit in our life. As God delivers us from spiritual bondage, things automatically improve in our soul because we are naturally open to God's healing and revelation, which often touches us suddenly. We experience the permanent healing, sometimes instantaneously or in time. We see what God truly wants for us! God loves us more than we know but we need to walk away from anything not of God that inevitably keeps our reality-and-perception-altering consciousness stuck, stunted or even corrupted.

NOTHING can block our relationship with God, Christ or Holy Spirit. God has already opened the door for us but we do need to make a choice to turn toward Him only. The Bible explains how human consciousness itself becomes corrupted and nothing but God (enlivening, eternal Word of God) fixes all ills resulting from it.

Ironically, it was only a few years after leaving the "healing professions" that I became ready and open to God revealing exactly how Jesus Christ was able to heal as he did. No worldly training of any kind is involved and it is exactly how Jesus himself testified and credited -- God, The Father does the works. The Truth is revealed to us directly if we truly want it. If one is open to the possibility of vastly superior, permanent Life healing why limit oneself to temporary "healing" that does not bring eternal Life?

I've found a direct relationship with God is far more healing, powerful, life-changing and supernatural than everything else in the world combined!

I hope my testimony helps therapists and clients in seeking and finding the deep healing that God wants for everyone!

Other articles you may be interested in:

What does the Bible Say About IFS Therapy?

Living a Life in Truth

We are Spirit, Soul and Body